Category Archives: Political Economy

Are Liberalism and Progressivism Compatible?

Robert Frost , the American poet, once observed that “A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel”. Which brings up an interesting question. Can American liberals differentiate their traditional brand of liberalism from … Continue reading

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John Stossel Demolishes Popularly Believed Myths about Capitalism

It is sad but true that most people believe that free markets represent a zero sum game. Winners only win to the extent that other people lose. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. In a free market, … Continue reading

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Socialist Destructionism

Ludwig von Mises, a founder of the Austrian School of Economics served as a professor of economics at New York University from 1945 through 1969. He was a towering intellect who was influenced by and associated with some of the … Continue reading

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Progressive Fascism

“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” Benito Mussolini “State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention … Continue reading

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Are They or Aren’t They?

Donald Trump insists that the Democrats are embracing socialism. Senior Democrats running for the Party’s presidential nomination call themselves socialists. We would seem to have a rare moment of bipartisan agreement.  But…Chris Edelson, an assistant professor of Government at American … Continue reading

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The EU Again

In a remarkably destructive bit of policy making, the EU announced that it will not sign any agreements with countries that are not party to the Paris Climate Accords. That includes free trade agreements. And of course, the country in … Continue reading

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Now What?

In response to Bashar Al-Assad’s use of nerve gas to attack his civilian population, President Donald Trump ordered an attack on the Syrian airport Assad’s Air Force used to launch the attack. Now what? It isn’t so clear what exactly … Continue reading

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To Trade or Not to Trade…

Economic Nationalism and the Trump Trade Agenda According to Steve Bannon, the second prong of the Trump Administration’s policy focus is “Economic Nationalism”. The obvious first question is: what, exactly, does Bannon have in mind when he refers to Economic … Continue reading

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Obama Tosses Israel Under the Bus

“Israel, we got your back” Obama famously claimed in August 2012. So the question must be asked, how  would U.S. foreign policy look any different if Obama’s goal were to put Israel on the road to extinction?       … Continue reading

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For Kevin Lara Lugo Born 2000, Died 2016.

The story is always the same; it is only the names that change. This time the name is Kevin Lara Lugo. He died on his 16th birthday. The New York Times reports that he had spent the previous day foraging … Continue reading

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