Mrs. Clinton’s Fantasy Election

In a speech liberally seasoned with self-pity, Mrs. Clinton attributed her loss of the 2016 presidential election to a convergence of two “unprecedented” events. According to the New York Times, Mrs. Clinton said those two events were (1) the release of a letter by FBI Director James B. Comey shortly before the election referencing Clinton’s private e-mail server, and (2) an “attack against our country” by Vladimir Putin that took the form of hacking into the e-mails of the DNC and campaign chair John Podesta. The hacks were directed at her, Mrs. Clinton maintained, because Putin had a “personal beef” with her because of her accusation that Russia’s 2011 parliamentary elections were rigged. Which, indeed, they were.


Where to begin?


In one sense Mrs. Clinton is correct. There was plenty of unprecedented behavior associated with the 2016 elections. She didn’t bother to mention that a great majority of it was hers.


Let’s start with the fact that Mrs. Clinton was the first Secretary of State to set up a home-server that she used for all her State Department business, in contravention of State Department Policy. And let’s not forget that she had her legal staff destroy about 30,000 e-mails that were under Congressional subpoena. Or that she lied under oath when she said that the staff read each and every e-mail before deciding which ones to destroy. Or that she lied under oath when she said that she turned over all work related product back to the State Department. Or that she lied when she said that she never sent or received classified e-mail. That was later amended to neither sent nor received e-mail classified at the time. That was a lie too. The list of lies is endless.


It was also unprecedented to have the former President of the United States meet privately in the back of an airplane with the Attorney General who is overseeing the FBI’s investigation of you. It is unprecedented for the former President of the U.S. and his wife, the Secretary of State, to have formed a charitable organization to serve as the family slush fund and money laundering operation. It is unprecedented for the Secretary of State to sign off on a deal giving the Russians control of 20% of all U.S. uranium production capacity, only to see the Secretary of State’s husband collect $500,000 for giving a speech to a Russian bank with links to the Kremlin. And, by the way, that wasn’t the only Clinton deal that carried such a stench. It’s hard to keep track of them all, but this link from the New York Times is a good place to start. The headline, which reads “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal” says it all.


Clinton corruption is hardly a new story. It goes way back to Hillary Clinton’s days as a commodity trader; through the days of renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to campaign contributors, and then to raising campaign cash from firms and individuals with ties to the Chinese military during the 1996 campaign. All told, the Clinton’s went from being “dead broke” in 2000 to a net worth of well over $100 million dollars by 2008. So, yes, there was plenty of behavior that was unprecedented—at least before the Clinton’s came to town.

Mrs. Clinton’s Exercise in Self Deception

Let’s dispense with the fantasy that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of Russian hacking. Virtually every official that will go on record is clear that there is no evidence that voting machines were hacked, or that votes weren’t counted or that people were denied the opportunity to vote because of hacking. The behavior that Hillary Clinton is complaining about is the hack and release of information from e-mail accounts belonging to the DNC and campaign chair John Podesta.


To begin with, this would not be the first time that the Russians pulled this type of stunt. They have been in the agit prop business for at least a half-century. More to the point, this was not some sort of disinformation campaign. What the Russians leaked, primarily through Wikileaks, was in fact accurate information. That doesn’t mean that what the Russians did was ethical, proper or justifiable. Who are we trying to kid here? Vladimir Putin is an ex KGB agent. The KGB does not hire altar boys.


Mrs. Clinton would have us believe that the population was hoodwinked; that they didn’t know the facts, and therefore didn’t vote for her in sufficient numbers. Mrs. Clinton said “Make no mistake as the press is finally catching up to the facts, which we desperately tried to present to the press during the last months of the campaign. … This is an attack on our country.” The idea that the press did not cover the story is simply delusional. The Clinton campaign pressed the Russian angle for months, including during the presidential debates.


Here for instance is a quote from the final presidential debate, which took place on October 19, almost 3 weeks before the election.


Clinton: Russians “have hacked American websites, American accounts of private people, of institutions, then they have given that information to WikiLeaks for the purpose of putting it on the internet. This has come from the highest levels of the Russian government, clearly from Putin himself, in an effort, as 17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed, to influence our election…”


So she couldn’t get the message out? Nonsense. The story was covered extensively. And remember that during the election season the Clinton campaign refused to say whether the hacked e-mails were in fact authentic, even though they obviously were. But Clinton never acknowledged the authenticity of the e-mails. In the statement above she refers to “American accounts, American websites” etc. The campaign routinely referred to the e-mails as stolen, and possibly fraudulent. (Somehow or other they didn’t mind trafficking in Trump’s stolen tax returns though).


There is a reason the Clinton campaign didn’t acknowledge the authenticity of the e-mails. It is precisely because they are authentic. Acknowledging that fact would mean owning up to their contents and her own duplicity. So Hillary Clinton is left to argue that she lost the Presidential election because the voters were treated to accurate information about her and her campaign. That’s poetic justice for you.



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From Russia, With Love

The front page of today’s New York Times carries the headline “Trump Falsely Says Claim of Hacking Came After Election”. And that is true enough. Just as it would be true enough for the Times to publish the headline “Hillary Clinton Falsely Claims Not to Have Sent Classified E-Mails.” Or “Hillary Clinton Falsely Claims She Turned Over All Her Work Related E-Mails.” Or, Hillary Clinton Claims, well, you get the idea. So it appears that the Times isn’t so much concerned with lying as it is concerned with who is doing the lying.


And on that subject, ironically enough, the Times points out that the director of national intelligence, James R. Clapper Jr. formally blamed Russia on October 7 for hacking the DNC a month before election day. That, by the way, is the same James R. Clapper Jr., who perjured himself before Congress. When Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon asked him point blank if the NSA collected any type of data on millions of American citizens, Clapper’s answer was: “No sir.”


When he was confronted with his lie shortly thereafter he said that he gave what he considered to be the “least untruthful” answer he could.


Which brings us to the matter of Edward Snowden. Edward Snowden


Edward Snowden was hired as an NSA contractor in 2013, over three years ago. By June of 2013 Snowden had leaked thousands of classified documents, and by June 23, 2013 he had hightailed it over to Russia from Hong Kong to escape the U.S. Justice Department. As of now he still lives in Russia where he has been granted temporary asylum. So Russia has been harboring a U.S. fugitive who leaked thousands of classified documents to, among others—the New York Times. And that very same New York Times acts surprised that Russia would try to interfere in U.S. domestic politics. What did the Times think Russia was doing then?


Note too that there is no one on the planet who has any evidence whatsoever that Russia’s evidence had an impact on the outcome. Homeland Security Secretary Jeb Johnson said there is “no evidence” that any “bad actor” actually changed the ballot count in the presidential election. And not to put too fine a point on it, the information that was released that is the subject of the hacking complaints wasn’t false. It was factually correct.


Hillary Clinton and Company did stack the rules against Bernie Sanders in the primaries. Donna Brazile was feeding CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton ahead of time. Hillary Clinton’s senior staff did mock Catholics and Catholicism behind closed doors. John Podesta did ask Clinton to call “needy Latinos.” And so on.


The real question that should be on everybody’s mind is not: did Russia attempt to interfere with the election. Of course they did. The real question is: how could the White House be so incompetent that they fell asleep at the switch? And why are they only waking up now? Edward Snowden, who might know a thing or two about hacking, has been sitting in Moscow for 3 years after having been granted temporary asylum. And it is only now that the White House appears to consider that Russia might have been interested in the confidential files maintained by the Presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump? Seriously?


It is entirely possible, if not probable, that the Russians also hacked into Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, and that they have in their possession the supposedly personal e-mails that she ordered destroyed. The ones that were under subpoena, by the way. Those e-mails could be the ones that contain the really interesting information. But we will never know. Unless Vladimir Putin decides we should.


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Quick Hits Dec 12, 2016

Another Do Over Attempt

Well, well, well. All of a sudden Progressives have decided that the Russian bear isn’t very friendly after all. And they are terribly upset that the Russian government, meaning Vladimir Putin, “may have” influenced the outcome. And so the latest ploy is to ask for a delay of the Electoral College vote, scheduled for December 19, so that the College’s electors can receive an intelligence briefing. To no one’s surprise, the Clinton campaign backs the effort. The aim is to buy time to convince enough Republican electors to abandon Trump so that they can elect someone else President.

It bears repeating that this is the same crowd that hollered from the rooftops about how Trump might challenge the results if he lost.

In any event, Senate Republicans have walked away from Trump on this. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have announced support for a bi-partisan inquiry into the affair.

His Majesty Disses the Wall Street Journal

Speaking of His Majesty, Trump blasted the Wall Street Journal’s editorial board the other day for criticizing his plan to slap tariffs on imports. “I read the Wall Street Journal the other day” he said. “Honestly, their editorial board doesn’t get it. I don’t think they understand business.”

Au contraire, the WSJ editorial board understands economics very well. It is the Emperor who lacks clothing.


Like many of his cabinet picks, Trump’s reported favorite for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson the current CEO of ExxonMobil, had previously announced support of the TPP. His Majesty may wind up being the only one in his government opposed to it.


The Free Market and the “Dumb Market”

In an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News, Trump insisted he was going to slap tariffs on goods produced outside the U.S. by American companies. At which point Chris Wallace said “What happened to the free market, sir?”

To which His Majesty replied, “…that’s not the free market when they go out and move and sell back into our country…No, that’s the dumb market, OK? That’s the dumb market”.

Well, it’s good we got that straightened out. Otherwise people might think this is …dumb.



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The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming


The Washington Post reported on Friday that the CIA “…concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the Presidency….” The assessment was so secret that the CIA felt compelled to leak it to the Washington Post, which promptly put it on the front page. While the FBI acknowledged that the Russians intervened by hacking DNC and RNC servers, they were more circumspect about motives. They were apparently unwilling to say explicitly that the Russians were trying to help Trump win.


There are now various calls for the Senate to conduct an investigation of the situation. Senator John McCain joined with Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer to say they will push “…to unify our colleagues around the goal of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyber attacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security.”


For his part, His Majesty King Donald dismissed the story saying “It could be Russia…and it could be China. And it could be some guy in his home in New Jersey.” (Why do they always have to pick on New Jersey?) Anyway, the Royal Transition Staff issued a statement that “these are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.” At that, the usual chorus arrived wailing and moaning about the dire threat to “Our Democracy” and His Majesty’s apparent unwillingness to walk around the town square dressed in sack cloth and ashes to atone for his cavalier dismissal of the opinions of the intelligence agencies.


So let’s unpack all this.

Did Russia Interfere?

Is there any reason to believe that the Russian government tried to influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election? Of course there is. They have interfered one way or another with American politics generally and U.S. Presidential elections specifically for at least 50 years. After all, who provided financing, propaganda and organizational help for communist front groups from the 1940s through the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989? The Soviets did, that’s who.


So, yes, of course the Russian government tried to influence the outcome. Did Putin prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton? Probably. So what? They probably preferred Obama to Romney. After all, it was Romney who in 2012 identified Russia as the greatest strategic threat faced by the U.S. And it was Obama who was caught on an open mike telling Putin to wait until after the 2012 election was over, after which time Obama could be more accommodative toward Russia.


Again, so what.

A Little History Here

Russia almost certainly preferred Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan in 1980; George McGovern to Richard Nixon in 1972; Lyndon Johnson to Barry Goldwater in 1964, and Henry Wallace to Harry Truman or Thomas Dewey in 1948. And let’s not be naïve, in addition to agit prop over elections, Russia successfully infiltrated high levels of Western governments. There was the Kim Philby affair in Britain. And to this day lots of progressives deny that Alger Hiss and Ethel Rosenberg spied for the Soviets, despite the mountain of evidence that shows they did. The British government charged Vladimir Putin with ordering the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, in London in 2006. Then there were the cases of Aldrich Ames and Robert Hansen, caught spying for the Soviets. The Guardian covers the very recent case (2010) of Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley in the story at this link.


So it should hardly come as news that the Russian Government, headed by an ex KGB agent, would interfere in U.S. politics. Or, for that matter, that he would have his opponents murdered. That’s what the KGB does. But how is any of this supposed to have made a difference in the election outcome?


Who, exactly, is surprised by any of this? And why would anyone think that the Russian interference had the desired effect? The Clinton campaign obviously viewed the Russian accusation as damaging to Trump, which is why they harped on it all the time. The absurdity of the argument becomes crystal clear when you consider that the Clintonistas continue to complain that (1) they may have lost the election because of Putin’s interference, but that (2) Clinton won the popular vote by a margin of 2 million votes. So which is it? Did Putin cost Clinton votes, or did she gain them on balance? Or is the argument that the Russians concentrated their efforts in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin thereby affecting the outcome. And where is the evidence that the outcome would have been different absent Putin and the KGB?


It is well known by roughly everybody who got beyond their 6th grade civics class that countries routinely interfere in each other’s internal politics, mostly surreptitiously. The U.S. spent a lot of time trying to knock off Fidel Castro (before he became Obama’s BFF) with plots that could have been concocted by the editors of Mad Magazine. The U.S. succeeded in its efforts to depose Salvatore Allende in Chile (1973), Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam (1963) and Mossaddegh in Iran (1953). It took until 1976 for the U.S. to officially ban assassination as a tool of foreign policy, which it did when then President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905. That order was reinterpreted and relaxed in 1998 for targets identified as terrorists by the U.S.


On a less draconian scale, we had sanctions imposed on South Africa when it maintained apartheid. The whole point of Radio Free Europe was to support opposition to the Russian occupation of Eastern Europe, as well as to attack the legitimacy of the Russian government. And Barrack Obama injected himself into domestic British politics when he made a speech in London defending the E.U. just before the Brexit vote.


And not to put too fine a point on it, none other than Hillary Clinton is on tape as an enthusiast for rigging foreign elections. In January 2006 Hamas won a resounding victory against Fatah (whom the U.S. supported) in an election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council. In a September 2006 meeting with the editorial board of the Jewish Press, when that subject came up, Hillary Clinton said this.


“I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton. “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”


So much for Hillary Clinton and the sanctity of the vote.

The Upshot

Let’s be clear about what is going on here. It is an effort by progressives to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the November election. Because they lost. And they lost fair and square because they had a lousy candidate, a fact that they are thus far unable to admit. Which is not to say it was a great outcome. It wasn’t and it couldn’t be, given the two major party candidates. But the outcome is what the people voted for under the rules.


All of a sudden Progressives may find that the Madisonian system of checks and balances doesn’t look so terrible after all. But I am not holding my breath waiting.








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His Royal Highness, Donald the First of 5th Avenue

Donald the First of 5th Avenue let it be known that His Majesty was royally displeased that the Carrier Corporation planned to move some production facilities from Indiana to Mexico thereby eliminating 1,000 or so “American jobs”. In order to prevent the tragedy, His Majesty decided to tax the remaining serfs of his Kingdom to compensate the Carrier Corporation for saving some of those jobs.


One of the Knights of the Kingdom, a Mr. Chuck Jones who is President of the Steel Workers Union, objected that his Lordship the King only saved 730 jobs, not the entire 1,000. This in turn prompted a Presidential (elect) Tweet Storm from Donald the First.


Trump Tweet


Which brings us to the case of Walmart.


Take That, Your Majesty

According to the most recent data, over the last 4 quarters Walmart generated about $484 billion in revenue on which it earned $15 billion net of income taxes. Income taxes amounted to about $6.3 billion, or 29% of pre-tax profits. The firm employs 2.3 million people worldwide, of which 1.5 million are in the United States. The entire U.S. civilian labor force is 159 million. Of that total, 145 million are currently employed as non-farm workers. Which means that Walmart employs a staggering 1% of all people in America who have a job and are not working on the proverbial farm.


Walmart announced Wednesday that it is going to invest $1.3 billion in Mexico in logistics, including new distribution centers. While a spokesman hastened to add that Walmart wouldn’t be moving any jobs to Mexico from the U.S., the firm did note that the investments would create about 10,000 new permanent jobs. Walmart, which already has about $4 billion invested in Mexico has singled out Mexico as a top priority for growth and is looking to double sales in Mexico by 2024.


So what does King Donald the First have to say about that? Does he think Walmart needs to get a White House permission slip before making an investment? Walmart has clearly served notice that it will run its business as it sees fit without the advice and consent of an ignorant loudmouth. Good for them.

Paul Ryan, please take note.

The Family Business

In the meantime The New York Times reports that His Majesty is considering turning over operational responsibility for his business to his two adult sons, but that he also intends to keep a stake in the business.


Perhaps His Majesty will seek subsidies for his own business so he can persuade himself to cease procuring products abroad that he intends to brand with the Royal name.


Life Imitates the Onion

In a story headlined “Trump Inherits Obama Boom” Ben White, Chief Economist for Politico says that the U.S. economy is the envy of the world. Well, yes it is. But it has been for a very long time and it has nothing to do with Obama. Real GDP growth during Obama’s tenure will have clocked in at 1.5% when all the numbers are finally counted. That’s about the slowest recovery on record.


Keep in mind that the painfully slow recovery has also been accompanied by the first drop in U.S. life expectancy in about 20 years according to the National Center for Health Statistics.


Apologists argue that the slow recovery is due to the depth of the 2008 – 2009 slump. It’s actually the other way around. Deep slumps are usually followed by rapid recoveries. And while the unemployment rate has fallen to 4.6%, much of that is due to the collapse of the labor force participation rate, now at 62.8%, the lowest is has been since 1978. It has been falling steadily since its March 2000 peak when it clocked in at 67.3%. Please see the graph below.



Not to worry though. His Majesty Donald the First and Princess Ivanka recently met with that economic sage Leonardo DiCaprio and his team, who reportedly discussed “how jobs centered on preserving the environment can boost the economy.” Reminiscent of Barbra Streisand sending policy memos to Dick Gephardt, DiCaprio Foundation CEO Terry Tamminen and Leonardo DiCaprio said they “…presented the President-elect and his advisors with a framework—developed in consultation with leading voices in the fields of economics and environmentalism—that details how to unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centered on investments in sustainable infrastructure.”


The Bernie and Elizabeth Show


Just when you think it can’t get any more ridiculous Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren show up. Their complaint? His Majesty announced he was going to nominate Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary. The problem is that Mnuchin, a Democrat, once worked as a banker; even worse he worked at Goldman Sachs, the epitome of evil in the eyes of progressives. According to Sanders and Warren after Mnuchin left Goldman “[He] moved on to make a fortune running another bank that aggressively foreclosed on families still reeling from the crisis.”


Imagine that. A Treasury Secretary who expects borrowers to either repay their loans or face foreclosure. We can’t have that now, can we? Now, about the trillion dollars or so in student debt that’s out there…




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Donald Trump: Central Planner in Chief

Donald J. Trump, accompanied by some Republican politicians formerly known as free traders, has taken take a brashly promised leap into the land of economic idiocy. That is the land where we “save American jobs” by shoveling taxpayer money to firms to bribe them into keeping relatively inefficient production facilities in the United States. Instead of draining the swamp, which in fact does need draining, Trump just fortified it by opening wide the spigots of corporate welfare.


Trump and Pence

Trump’s very public bribery of the Carrier Corporation will affect economic decision-making virtually instantaneously. And it won’t be pretty. For instance, keep in mind that Carrier Corporation is a subsidiary of United Technologies, a very prominent military contractor, so it is especially vulnerable to political pressure. They got paid off anyway. Other manufacturers, especially those not related to military contracting, are almost certain to threaten to move their facilities to make sure they get on the gravy train.


The Administration is going to have to decide who gets subsidized and who doesn’t, and how much and why. Which means that all of a sudden we have a national industrial policy that liberals used to cheer and conservatives used to scorn. And rightly so. Why would anyone this side of sanity believe that the government is even remotely competent to make these sorts of decisions?



Over 50 years ago Frederick Hayek demonstrated the utter impossibility of successful central planning. No one is capable of collecting and analyzing all the data needed to set prices correctly; no one can tell how tastes will change; no one can successfully predict the next disruptive innovation; no central planner knows how to best deploy capital to achieve maximum returns. And that assumes good intentions, and decision-making free of politics. That’s why a successful economy depends on the information provided by market prices so that individuals and firms can intelligently assume risks in search of returns.


Donald J. Trump is in the process of corrupting that information and increasing the risks of doing business in the United States. Consider the impact on foreign firms. They will be more hesitant to invest in plant and equipment in the U.S. because they will now have to include heightened political risk into their calculations. That’s the kind of calculation firms usually make before investing in third world countries.


There is also the illusion that there is such a thing as an American product. But it’s only an illusion. For example, many low-end, low-tech components of “American” products are made overseas before they reach the United States for final assembly. Are we now to have a Czar of Component Parts to decide what may and may not be imported into the United States for final assembly? Or does the Czar demand that U.S. firms make all the component parts here until otherwise instructed?


Let us not forget that the United States has a trade deficit and a corresponding capital account surplus. The capital account surplus, the flip side of the trade deficit, represents foreign capital invested in the U.S. By discouraging foreign investment in the U.S., which is precisely what Trump is doing, he is raising the cost of capital in the U.S. The result will be an increase in interest rates for the Treasury, corporate borrowers and consumers. It will also put downward pressure on the dollar in foreign exchange markets. Which means higher prices for consumers and slower economic growth.


None of this is exactly new. Crony capitalism is and always has been harmful, a point so obvious it shouldn’t have to be made. Republicans used to at least pretend to be ashamed of this sort of thing. Now they appear poised to enthusiastically embrace economic stupidity–and that’s precisely what this is–with the gusto of Bernie Sanders.


At a press conference in Indiana, V.P. elect Mike Pence, defended the Carrier deal. According to Pence claimed that “the free market has been sorting it out and America’s been losing.” After which, according to The New York Times, President-elect Donald Trump cut in to agree, saying, “Every time, every time.”



While Trump’s embrace of economic nonsense is long standing, there was a hope that Mike Pence, a conventional Republican, would be a lifeline to sanity. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis Pence opposed TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program, saying, “Economic freedom means the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail”. That was then.


The Republican Party used to have some reasonably solid defenders of free markets. Maybe, against the odds, they will rise to the occasion and put a stop to this before it gets worse. Otherwise it looks like it’s going to be a long 4 years for economic literates.





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A Very Costly “Victory”

President-elect Donald J. Trump, joined by some formerly free-market Republicans, is engaged in an exercise of self-congratulations for successfully stopping Carrier Corporation from moving some of its production facilities to Mexico. The claim is made that this “saved 1,000 American jobs” that were in danger of being “outsourced.” Sean Hannity, who resides in an evidence free zone, calls this a victory for American workers. It is anything but.


Inevitably it will turn out that taxpayers will pay for this alleged victory by paying higher taxes to subsidize keeping the 1,000 workers in Indiana. Which also means that capital is being misallocated to satisfy Mr. Trump’s political objectives, thus harming economic efficiency. Which in turn means the diminishment of long-run employment opportunities for more productive and remunerative employment.


That this stunt will likely be seen as an economic “victory” is a testament to economic ignorance. Congratulations, Mr. Trump.


Media Matters

Journalists, whose favorite subject is…journalists, are now fretting about the threat that Donald J. Trump poses to democracy in general and journalists in particular. Jelani Cobb, in a recent New Yorker article titled “Protecting Journalism from Donald Trump”, quotes Christiane Amanpour holding forth on the subject. Specifically, Ms. Amnanpour delivered a post-election address to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in which she said “I never in a million years thought I would be up here onstage appealing for the freedom and safety of American journalists a home”.


Ms. Amanpour really ought to relax. The biggest threat faced by American journalists is a well-deserved skepticism about their credibility.


Let’s stipulate that Mr. Trump is no friend of the 1st amendment, to put it mildly. He has shown a willingness to silence dissenters; he has suggested weakening 1st amendment protections, and has indicated a willingness to toss flag burners in jail. This, despite the fact that in the 1989 case Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled that such activity is symbolic speech. As such it is Constitutionally protected by the 1st amendment. Justice Scalia, whom Trump claims to admire, voted in the majority in that case.


But the threat that Trump poses to free speech, while real, is manageable. It is manageable because of checks and balances, and because a majority of the Court has been willing to defend the 1st amendment.  To the extent that the Court remains “conservative” it will vigorously defend the 1st amendment. But only if it remains conservative. The irony of this appears lost on those fretting journalists.


After all, it is progressives who are demanding the overturn of the “Citizens United” case in which the Court upheld 1st amendment rights by a 5 – 4 majority. Let’s not forget that it was just a few short years ago that the entirety of the Senate Democratic caucus proposed to alter the 1st amendment to enable legislative bodies to regulate political speech. And it was progressives in the House who protected the IRS and Lois Lerner when the evidence surfaced that showed the IRS was targeting the political activities of conservatives. And it is on the nation’s campuses that “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” are the preferred method of silencing opponents and enforcing a rigid code of conformity.


There is a very real danger to liberty in the United States. It comes (mostly) from the book-burners of the left. It stems from a deterioration of the culture, an infantilization of politics, and an increasingly credulous and compliant population. The deterioration of the culture, increasingly powerful government, ascendant tribalism and a corresponding weakening of traditional institutions has done great damage to civil society. From there it is a short walk to the embrace of a strongman. Like one who thinks it’s just swell to use the power of the Presidency to “save American jobs” in Indiana. After all, Mussolini got the trains running on time.


It is no accident that the President-elect’s preferred mode of communication is Twitter. A 140 character limit is perfectly consonant with the bumper sticker sloganeering that defines modern political discourse, including the quality of journalism we have come to expect from our friends in the 4th estate.


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Adios, Fidel. You Won’t be Missed.


Jill Stein, the left wing hero who is leading the Presidential vote recount effort, weighed in on the demise of “El Comandante” Fidel Castro. “Fidel Castro” she said “was a symbol of the struggle for justice in the shadow of empire. Presente!”


Fidel’s favorite tool in the “struggle for justice” was mass execution by firing squad without benefit of trial. He routinely employed torture and long prison terms to silence regime critics, and his government relied on neighbors spying on each other to divide families and friends and destroy civil society. That’s when he wasn’t busy urging Nikita Khrushchev to launch a nuclear strike against the United States.

There is a reason why Lenin referred to people like Jill Stein as useful idiots.

And Speaking of Recounts

Without the benefit of evidence, President-elect Donald J. Trump has asserted that except for millions of votes cast illegally for Hillary Clinton, he would have won the popular vote. That is obviously flat out nonsense. Tellingly, Mr. Trump appears to be unaware that he is actually undermining his own electoral victory by claiming that the election he won was riddled with fraud. By doing so he gives cover to Jill Stein’s preposterous recount exercise.


Education Secretary Nominee Betsy DeVos

Trump has chosen school choice advocate Betsy Devos to be his Secretary of Education. Needless to say the teachers unions are apoplectic. That’s an excellent sign. Betsy DeVos


For decades DeVos and her husband have worked as school reformers, starting in her home state, Michigan, where they helped enact that state’s Charter School law. They have also successfully backed state and local candidates across the nation who are school choice advocates. School choice is something DeVos views broadly, encompassing vouchers, tax credits, charter schools, magnet schools and homeschooling.


It isn’t exactly a secret that, at best, the public school system in the United States is mediocre when compared to other OECD countries. For example, among OECD countries the United States ranks 9th from the bottom and 24th from the top among 16 – 29 year-olds in mean literacy scores. (See for instance page 353 of the OECD indicators in Education at a Glance.)


With the performance gap as wide as it is between suburban and inner city schools, and between white and minority students, it would be reasonable to expect school performance to be a civil rights issue. After all there is strong support for school choice in minority and low-income neighborhoods, although opinion is closely divided in middle class white suburbs. And if there is one thing that economics tells us over and over again, it is that competition produces better outcomes for consumers.


So it is dismaying that the civil rights establishment has thrown its lot in with the teachers unions rather than minority neighborhoods. As reported in The Daily Beast, the NAACP along with the usual assortment of social justice groups came out with a call for a moratorium on charter schools and efforts to finance alternatives to traditional public schools. The NAACP analysis in the publication “Cloaking Inequality” is available at this link.


Who knows, maybe libertarians and conservatives will be able to shape policy to actually reform our dysfunctional public schools so there really will be opportunity for all. In the meantime, progressives can continue to argue about the equities of school locker room use.



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Well, how about that. Jill Stein is demanding a recount of Wisconsin’s Presidential vote. Stein filed the demand about an hour before the deadline, after having raised more than $5 million for the effort. Let’s put this in perspective. According to, a campaign finance watchdog, Jill Stein raised and spent about $3.5 million on her entire Presidential campaign up until October 28, 2016, about a week before the vote. But all of a sudden she managed to raise $5 million in record time to fund a recount in Wisconsin.


And lo and behold, Hillary Clinton’s campaign has announced that it is “participating” in the Wisconsin effort, to make sure that the process is “fair”. Clinton’s campaign also announced it will participate in Michigan and Pennsylvania recounts if a third party demands them. And what do you know, Jill Stein says she intends to do exactly that, provided she can raise the money. Which she very well may; after all she is fronting for Hillary Clinton.


Why else would Stein go through this charade, and why else would anybody contribute to the effort? There were about 2.8 million votes cast in Wisconsin. Trump beat Clinton by 1 percentage point. Stein got all of 30 thousand votes, about 1.1%; Gary Johnson got 106 thousand votes, about 3.6%. It is pretty much the same story in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump bested Clinton by a narrow 0.3 of a percentage point in Michigan, and by 1.2% percentage points in Pennsylvania. Stein’s vote was negligible, around 1% in each state. State by state results are available here.


But it just so happens that Mrs. Clinton needs the combined 46 electoral votes of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to snatch the election away from Donald Trump. Hope springs eternal, but it is simply not going to happen. Even the chief counsel for the Clinton campaign, Mark Elias, noted that “the number of votes separating Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the closest of these states—Michigan—well exceeds the largest margin ever overcome in a recount.” And for its part, the White House issued a statement to the New York Times saying that the election was free of interference; that from a cyber security standpoint, the “elections were free and fair.”


So there is virtually no prayer that the result is going to be overturned. But the very same left that was so aghast that Trump said he would wait to see the outcome before committing himself to it is in the process of trying to undermine those results with legal challenges that are otherwise pointless. And the Clinton campaign is, at the very least, providing a big assist.


Is anybody over 21 surprised? Nope.









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On This Thanksgiving Day

We should give special thanks for our good fortune in having had James Madison as the principal architect of our Constitutional order. It was James Madison who was largely responsible for creating the elaborate system of checks and balances that limits government power, thereby protecting liberty. Those checks and balances are not just horizontal among the executive, legislative and judicial branches; they are also vertical between the sovereign states and the federal government.James Madison


Progressives have spent the better part of the last hundred years trying, and sometimes partly succeeding in dismantling those checks and balances. Now that Donald Trump is President-elect they may wish to reconsider that posture. In a similar vein, perhaps Congress will awaken from its deep slumber and assert itself. And just maybe Trump really will appoint Constitutional conservatives to the Court.

That would be the supreme irony. Constitutional conservatives are less likely to be seduced by the majoritarian impulse. They are more likely to limit, if not roll back, the exercise of government power to the borders established in the Constitution as it was originally written. If so, it would greatly reduce the powers of the imperial Presidency, of which the Trump Presidency would likely be one.


Equally important, a Court staffed by Constitutional conservatives may very well decline to show what has become the Court’s traditional (and indefensible) deference to the bureaucracy. In so doing the Court has served, perhaps unwittingly, as the vanguard of the progressive urge to rule over the commanding heights of economic and social life through bureaucratic rule making.


The bureaucracy has become a de facto 4th branch of government with its own semi-sovereign powers. It legislates when it makes and interprets rules that govern almost every aspect of American life; it has its own administrative courts and its own enforcement powers; it is hopelessly (and deliberately opaque) and it is accountable to no one.


A Court that strictly held the political branches to the powers specifically delegated to them in the U.S. Constitution and cut the powers of the bureaucracy down to size would be a welcome development. Such an event would go a long way toward protecting and expanding liberty in America. Here’s hoping.


Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)


This blog has been no friend of Donald J. Trump. And unfortunately, after all the votes were counted, it turns out that our preferred candidate Ben Sasse (R, NE) was edged out by about 63 million votes. It’s always tough to lose a close one. But we will not succumb to Trump Derangement Syndrome, a condition that blocks out all perspective, reducing sufferers to incoherence. The only known cure is to studiously avoid reading the New York Times editorial page. And probably the front page too.


Bearing that in mind, it is difficult to decide which is more amusing: watching progressives become (progressively) more unhinged at the prospect of the impending Trump Presidency, or the self-importance they attach to themselves. All this, even before Trump has tweeted his inaugural address from Mar-a-Lago.


Consider. It wasn’t all that long ago that progressives raced toward their fainting couches when Trump said that he would wait to see the election results before he accepted them. It was, they said, a naked attempt to delegitimize the impending Great Event and Making-of-History, namely, the Presidency of her Ladyship, Secretary Clinton. Since then, to the surprise of mostly everybody, Donald Trump actually won. Meaning the Great Event will not come to pass.


Since then we have been treated to a daily diet of absurdities from the left bemoaning the fact. Prime among them is the “What do I tell my 5 year old daughter?” gambit. How about this suggestion: “We will install an extra nightlight (powered with batteries charged by windmills) to keep away marauding Republicans who wish to flatten and simplify the tax code, while reducing the regulatory burden that the Competitive Enterprise Institute estimates costs consumers about $1.9 trillion annually”. That, along with some price-controlled milk and fair trade organic cookies should calm down any 5-year old.


Then there were the daily post election demonstrations in which people who didn’t bother to vote, decided to denounce the people who did vote. At least until the weather got cold and they got tired of setting cars on fire, all in the name of democracy.


And then there is all that rigging stuff. Trump was quite rightly taken to the woodshed for his idiotic argument that the election was somehow “rigged.” Then when it looked like he had an ever-so-slight chance to win, he proclaimed that the election wasn’t “as rigged as he thought”. Then astoundingly enough, he actually won.


Enter the computer experts. A group of these experts claimed to have found “persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked”. The persuasive evidence? Clinton received 7% fewer votes in counties that relied on electronic voting machines compared with counties that used optical-scanners and paper ballots. That’s it. No other explanation needed. And based on this “evidence” the scientists are lobbying the Clinton campaign to challenge the results in all three states, all of which she would need to win in a recount to emerge victorious in the electoral college. The respective deadlines for challenges are Friday (Wisconsin), Monday (Pennsylvania) and Wednesday, (Michigan).


Apparently the White House does not want the campaign to challenge the results, but the campaign has not responded to requests for comment. In the meantime Huma Abedin’s sister Heba is encouraging her Facebook followers to lobby the Justice Department to audit the 2016 vote. And Clinton supporters never fail to note she won the popular vote, although not the Electoral College.


And speaking of the Electoral College, Clinton supporters are making two distinct arguments. First, the Electoral College should be abolished in favor of a direct popular vote, something that should never, and will never happen. The second argument currently being pushed is that the Electoral College is not, and should not be, a rubber stamp, but a deliberative body. This argument has prompted Clinton supporters to attempt to persuade enough electors pledged to Trump to vote for someone else in order to throw the election into the House so that a “reasonable Republican” can be chosen instead of Trump.


Perhaps the most absurd reaction of all comes from the fashion world. According to the New York Times, American fashion is “emerging from its shell shocked post-election state….” Diane Furstenberg, chairwoman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America and a Clinton supporter, suggested sensibly enough that the industry “embrace diversity, be open-minded, be generous…and be an example of good”.


Sophie Theallet, a French celebrity designer, will have none of it. In a fairly obvious marketing ploy she publicly announced that she will not dress Melania Trump. In any event, Theallet repeated her earthshaking announcement in an open letter posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and she invited fellow designers to join in her refusal. Whereupon Tommy Hillfiger joined the fray by announcing that “Any designer should be proud to dress Melania Trump”.


Well, there you have it. The over politicization of almost everything, including the culture, has now reached the point where clothing designers for the rich and famous not only think they have to weigh in; they apparently believe they have something uniquely interesting to say. Which sums up why Trump won.


Happy Thanksgiving



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