Quick Hits 2

House Democrats, led by James Clyburn, seized the floor in a sit-down in violation of the rules to demand votes on proposed gun control legislation that is clearly unconstitutional. Similar legislation has already gone down to defeat in the Senate demonstrating that the latest temper tantrum is merely a stunt for the base. Representative Clyburn used to be known for his courage in fighting for civil rights before he started sitting down to crush them.


Donald Trump gave a speech from one of his buildings in Soho, New York yesterday in which, reading from a teleprompter, he called Hillary Clinton a “world class liar”. The fact that he used a teleprompter to deliver the speech is taken by some to mean that he is “Presidential”, and by others as evidence that he can read after all.


Meanwhile Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano, who was responsible for setting up and maintaining Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server, took the 5th amendment 125 times yesterday during a court-ordered deposition conducted by Judicial Watch.


The drums are beating more loudly calling on Republican delegates to revolt at the Cleveland Convention, less than a month away.


Mike Murphy describes the political malpractice that is the Trump campaign and suggests it is symptomatic of Trump’s managerial incompetence in general. He then goes on to point out that Republican convention delegates have the power under the rules to jettison Trump and select another nominee.


George Will, asking donors to snap their wallets shut, quotes Martha Bayles in the Claremont Review of Books. “There’s an old adage about a vat of wine standing next to a vat of sewage. Add a cup of wine to the sewage, and it is still sewage. But add a cup of sewage to the wine, and it is no longer wine but sewage. Is this what Donald Trump has done to our politics?”


Michael Gerson, former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush, writes that a delegate revolt has become the Republicans’ only option.



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Brexit: Will They Stay or Will They Go?

By all accounts the polls are very tight—within the margin of error—on whether Britons will vote to exit the European Union (EU) come June 23. The uncertainty has financial markets on edge and the usual cast of grandees is weighing in on what will happen if Britain votes to leave.


George Soros—the man who broke the Bank of England–warns that a Brexit could trigger a ‘Black Friday’ and a recession. Predicting that house prices will plummet in the event Wilbur Ross calls a Brexit vote ‘financial suicide’ for British homeowners. According to the L.A. Times, major American and European investment banks have estimated that Britain could lose 1% to 6% of its GDP in the event of a vote to leave.


All of which suggests we should remember John Kenneth Galbraith’s quip that “God invented economists to make the weatherman look good”.


The debate over the wisdom of a Brexit is poorly framed. It is at heart a question of politics, not economics. More specifically it is about the wisdom of retaining the sovereign nation-state as the primary unit in world politics or replacing it with a Supra-national bureaucracy staffed by “experts” with little accountability and even less transparency. This in turn is but one step away from the ultimate goal of the progressive project which is global government run by and for the same progressive experts who have made such hash of it in their own countries.


Leaving aside the sky-is-falling rhetoric of alleged experts, it is unclear why a Brexit should be such an economic calamity. After all, after a misguided attempt to do so, Britain never got around to giving up the pound in favor of the Euro, so there would be no change in the currency regime. Moreover Britain has one of the largest economies in the world, measured both in aggregate and per capita terms, and has been a leading center of global finance for centuries. There is a reason for that.


Britain has a long record of adhering to the rule of law, protecting property rights, individual rights, the right of contract, and maintaining political stability. That’s a lot more than can be said about France or Germany. It is hard to imagine why London would cease to be a center of global finance if Britain were to leave the EU because Britain already was a center of global finance for centuries before the EU came into existence. What, other than a history of political instability, does the EU offer that Britain does not?


The EU is saddled with trying to force an unsustainable political union on very disparate countries without a common language or culture. And it is trying to force political union through a one size-fits-all set of economic rules adopted by the bureaucracy in Brussels. And not to put too fine a point on it—the budget rules at the center of its policy of fiscal integration have never been enforced. Moreover, its monetary policy, set by Germany, bears a lot of responsibility for the disaster in Greece because it allowed Greece to borrow way too much money at rates that were way too low.


Very easy EU monetary policy in the early 2000s was certainly instrumental in the largely successful project to complete the integration of East and West Germany in the aftermath of the wall coming down in 1989. But it stoked the housing bubble in Ireland and Spain that later overwhelmed those two countries. Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece became economic collateral damage in the attempt to accomplish the goal of political integration. And Italy may not be too far behind.


The original political sentiment behind the EU is laudable enough: it is to prevent Europeans from reverting to form and launching wars with each other. But the effort assumes today’s geo-political map looks the way it did in the first half of the 20th century. Well, western colonialism is long gone, and no one seriously believes that France and Germany are about to go war with each other anyway. Why would they?


If European countries still think they need an organization to prevent more European wars, NATO suits the bill just fine.


Furthermore, there is no rational reason why the EU cannot continue to offer Britain the same trading terms it already has. Despite the nonsense routinely offered up by politicians who claim otherwise, trade is mutually beneficial (or else it wouldn’t happen) and is an unalloyed good. Were the EU to refuse to trade with Britain, or offer less attractive terms out of political pique, it would be hurting itself as well as Britain.


And it would give the game away. It would then be apparent to all who are willing to look that the real EU goal is to break a sovereign Britain to its saddle so that its unaccountable bureaucracy in Brussels can maintain and expand its political power over the lives of the 500 million or so people who live in its 28 member countries.


So what will Britons do? The polls appear to give a slight edge to the Remain faction; the betting markets (often more accurate) a larger edge. But polling in Britain is notoriously inaccurate; people often give pollsters the “respectable” answer rather than what they really think, and the betting markets may be influenced by published polls. Here’s betting that Britain votes to exit the EU on June 23rd.


And when the dust settles, we will look up to see that the sky hasn’t fallen.



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Donald Trump’s Alternate Reality

The panic in Republican ranks picks up steam as Trump insinuates that President Obama secretly sympathizes with ISIS.


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Edmund Burke and the Trump Problem

The conventional wisdom has had it that another terrorist attack along the lines of San Bernardino would put Donald Trump in a strong position to capture the White House. But in the aftermath of the Orlando attack, Trump’s poll numbers continued the slide that began with his attack on a federal judge. Polls(Poll numbers from Real Clear Politics are available at this link).


The collapse of Trump’s heretofore gravity defying poll numbers has sparked an outbreak of panic among the Republican hierarchy—and not a moment too soon. The list of Republicans walking away from Trump heads north as the polls head south. The growing list now includes Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Michigan Rep. Fred Upton. Former deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage has announced he will be voting for Hillary Clinton. And John Kasich has yet to weigh in.


And it isn’t just Trump’s poll numbers that are collapsing—the Party’s poll numbers nationwide are hitting new lows. The good news for Republicans is that their collapsing poll numbers may be just the thing they need to get their act together and deny Trump the Republican nomination. As Samuel Johnson famously said, “When a man knows he is to be hanged, it concentrates his mind wonderfully”. And make no mistake; if Trump is the Republican Presidential candidate in November, he will lead the party to a spectacular loss both up and down the ballot.


With that in mind delegates to the Republican convention should consider Edmund Burke’s speech to the Electors of Bristol, delivered on the 3rd of November in 1774. Burke argued that Parliament “…is a deliberative assembly of one nation with one interest, that of the whole; where, not local purposes, not local prejudices, ought to guide, but the general good, resulting from the general reason of the whole”. And he said “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion”.


There is already a move underfoot to change the rules at the convention to “unbind” the delegates so as to allow them to vote their individual consciences. The delegates claiming to be conservative now have a chance to prove it by heeding Edmund Burke. They should vote to change the convention rules so that it serves its proper function as a deliberative body, and then select a principled Presidential nominee who will fight for limited government and individual liberty.


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Enter the Libertarians

The Libertarian Party held its convention over the Memorial Day weekend and nominated credible candidates for the Presidential elections. For President they chose Gary Johnson, a 2-term Republican governor of New Mexico who served in that post from 1995 to 2003. For Vice President they selected Bill Weld, also a 2-term Republican governor, who was first elected in Massachusetts in 1990 with 51% of the vote and was subsequently re-elected in 1994 with 71% of the vote. Both are fiscal conservatives who slashed taxes and spending during their years in office. And both are staunch defenders of abortion rights.


To the extent that there is a unifying principle that defines the Libertarian Party, it is the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP), which in essence says that your freedom ends at the tip of my nose. Accordingly the use of force (except in self-defense) or fraud is anathema to libertarians. Otherwise libertarians are content to let the market function as it will without the huge regulatory infrastructure it is now saddled with. And libertarians are perfectly happy to spend money for self-defense, but they are loath to intervene in foreign affairs unless the U.S. is attacked.


A major point of contention among libertarians has to do with abortion rights. The party platform explicitly supports what it refers to as the right to life in that it supports “…the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others….” The party also rejects state imposition of the death penalty. The platform says that it “[recognizes] that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can have good-faith views on all sides…” but that the matter should remain one of individual conscience.


In part because the negatives associated with the major party candidates are so high, and because the Libertarian nominees (Johnson and Weld) are serious people with actual political experience, the Libertarian Party is getting a look from people who would normally ignore them. The latest Bloomberg Poll has Clinton at 49%, Trump at 37% and Johnson at 9%.


So it is worth keeping an eye on the Johnson / Weld ticket if only because it may present a reasonable alternative to Trump and Clinton. And it would be an altogether wholesome development to have smart and committed libertarians on the debate stage with the major party candidates if only to let some of the hot air out of the Clinton and Trump balloons. But for the Libertarians to truly succeed they need more than a respectable showing come November. They need to build a solid political foundation so the Party can promote the libertarian idea, win elections up and down the ballot, and implement policies designed to promote liberty.

That’s a tall order in a 2-party system. But given the electoral disaster in the making, it’s certainly worth watching the Libertarians to see if they are ready for prime time.



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Quick Hits…Republican Officeholders Supporting Trump

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that Donald Trump’s comments about a federal judge constituted “the textbook definition of a racist comment” – but then Ryan went on to say that he would back Trump anyway.


Meanwhile Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pointed out that, “…it’s pretty obvious that he [Trump] doesn’t know much about the issues”. Later McConnell went on to say that he wouldn’t rule out rescinding his endorsement of Trump.


Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois has done just that.


Lindsey Graham of South Carolina has urged his fellow Republican senators to rescind their endorsements. Referencing Trump’s attacks on Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Graham said “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it.” He went on to add “There’ll come a time when love of country will trump hatred of Hillary Clinton”.


Referring to Trump’s comments Mitt Romney accused him of fueling “trickle down racism and trickle down misogyny”. In the meantime GOP donors are in revolt and the latest estimates are that Trump will only be able to raise about $300 million—far short of the $1 billion or so Romney was able to raise in 2012.


So the rational voter is entitled to ask the following of Republican officeholders: What exactly would Trump have to do to finally persuade Republican officeholders to abandon their support of his candidacy?

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Hillary Clinton Gets One Right… Well Sort of

On June 2, 2016 Hillary Clinton made a speech in San Diego that was billed as a major foreign policy address. But it wasn’t really a foreign policy address so much as an attack on Donald Trump. The attack is richly deserved. The pity is that Trump’s fellow Republicans failed to make the case when they had the chance. Their timidity is the proximate cause of Trump’s capture of the Republican presidential nomination, and the awful possibility (however unlikely) that he could actually win the White House.


The most damning words Secretary Clinton spoke were not her own. They were Donald Trump’s. All she had to do was quote him. Consider: Trump has essentially invited Saudi Arabia, Korea and Japan to acquire nuclear weapons thus tossing 50 years of bi-partisan (and multi-national) nuclear non-proliferation policy right out the window. He threatens to abandon NATO; he said he would order the military to torture suspected terrorists and kill their relatives, and he said he would remain neutral with respect to Israel’s security.


If Trump didn’t exactly praise China for its massacre of its citizens at Tiananmen Square he didn’t find much fault with it either. And he seems to admire North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin for their “leadership abilities”. Trump, who says he knows more about the military situation in the Middle East than the U.S. military does because he “has a good brain”, has suggested that “maybe Syria should be a free zone for ISIS”, and has refused to rule out the use of nuclear weapons against ISIS which would, at the very least, lead to massive civilian casualties.


So Secretary Clinton has successfully made the easy-to-make case that Donald Trump is (1) an ignoramus (2) whose mental stability is suspect and (3) who should not be trusted with America’s nuclear codes, the threshold question for any presidential candidate.


But Secretary Clinton has not made anything close to a convincing case for why she should be taken seriously as a strategic thinker when it comes to foreign policy. Let’s not forget that when President Obama took office with Clinton as his Secretary of State we had two wars going on, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Now we have three—the first two plus Libya. And the ongoing disaster in Libya is the direct result of Secretary Clinton’s successfully making the case for intervention under the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine that was so fashionable at the time. And then there was pushing the “Reset” button with Russia, which in retrospect does not seem to have turned out all that well.


Obama’s drawing and abandoning “red lines” in Syria has left U.S. credibility in tatters, and that has not gone unnoticed by friends or foes. As the U.S. continues its global retreat, China ratchets up its claims in the strategically important South China Sea. Kim Jong Un tests nukes and ballistic missiles at an unprecedented pace. And let’s not forget that in 2009 the Obama Administration, including Secretary of State Clinton, accommodated Putin by pulling anti-missile defense systems out of Poland and the Czech Republic. But in the wake of its Iran deal, the Obama Administration has placed an anti-missile defense system in Romania, with plans for more in Poland no less, to protect against—Iran.


It is glaringly obvious that the world is considerably more dangerous now than it was 8 years ago. The West is increasingly vulnerable to terrorism. America’s credibility has been badly damaged. Important strategic relationships around the globe are strained. When it comes right down to it, the foreign policy record of the Obama Administration—and Hillary Clinton—is abysmal. The best she can say is that she is not Donald Trump.


And that is probably enough.


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Privatize Social Security…Before It’s Too Late

The overwhelming majority of Americans believes that the Social Security Trust Fund has the cash it needs to pay its obligations to current and future retirees. They also think that they are legally entitled to it. Nothing could be further from the truth.


In a recent report, the Trustees for the Social Security Trust Fund—a Trust Fund in name only—calculated the present value of the System’s unfunded future obligations for both an infinite horizon and a 75-year horizon as of 2015. They found that over a 75 year horizon the System is underfunded by $10.7 trillion; over an infinite horizon the shortfall is $25.8 trillion, all in constant dollars. And that number is not included in standard budget deficit figures. It is “off-budget”.


To put this in perspective, U.S. GDP for 2015 amounted to $17.9 trillion; federal tax receipts were about $3.25 trillion (a record) and total federal spending clocked in at $3.8 trillion (also a record). Which means that the present value of unfunded Social Security obligations is about 60% of the entirety of U.S. GDP. It is 2.82 times all federal spending for 2015, and 3.29 times all federal tax receipts. In short, not only is the system grossly underfunded, there is no conceivable way that the System can be re-structured so that it can meet its obligations under current law.


In short, the Social Security System is barreling ahead toward default. The money is just not there. Promised obligations will be cut and the retirement age at which benefits can be collected will be raised. In the parlance of the bond market, prospective beneficiaries (de facto bond holders) will have to take a “haircut” and the maturity of the debt (the retirement age) will be extended. There is no way around it; the Social System as currently structured is not sustainable.


Social Security beneficiaries (and potential beneficiaries) would be the equivalent of bondholders if they had a contractual right to the promised payment stream of retirement benefits. But they don’t. The Social Security Administration’s website clearly says that Congress had no intention of creating a legal contractual entitlement when it crafted the law establishing Social Security. Moreover, the Supreme Court ruled in 1960 in the case of Fleming v. Nestor that workers have no legally binding contractual rights to Social Security benefits.


No matter. Barrack Obama, (see video below), Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders want to expand Social Security benefits. So for that matter does Senator Elizabeth Warren. To no one’s surprise, Donald Trump has joined in a variation of this gravity-defying act of financial fraud. At last count, he claims he will maintain Social Security without cutting benefits; he has not yet gotten around to promising increased benefits. Give him time.



When the matter of financing comes up President Obama just dusts off his 3-card Monty skills and claims that he will finance his latest foray into financial never-never land by simply “asking” the “rich” to pay a little more. That is deliberate obfuscation. When President Obama’s words are translated into English, ask becomes demand, and rich refers to anyone making over $250, 000 in a given year. But there isn’t even close to enough money there (or anywhere for that matter) to pay for existing promises, much less an expansion of them.


Consider the latest year (2014) for which figures are available. Individuals filing the 2.7% of returns with incomes of $250,000 or more paid 51.6% of all U.S. federal income taxes. Which is another way of saying that the most productive members of society paid (and continues to pay) the majority of income taxes. And President Obama wants to further tax this small minority that drives growth, innovation and investment in order to purchase more votes from low information voters. In so doing he would guaranty slower economic growth and a worsening of public finances, which seems to be a specialty of his.


What’s worse is that Social Security disadvantages the less well to do. It is well established that life expectancy, income and education are highly correlated. Granted, there are many confounding influences, including behavioral ones. For example, highly educated people are likely to have higher incomes and they also are much less likely to smoke compared to poorly educated people. And the fact remains that a high school graduate will likely begin working and contributing payroll taxes many years before a college graduate. But retirement eligibility for both the high school graduate and the college graduate remains the same. Which means that that the high school graduate with the lower life expectancy will likely pay into the system earlier, work longer and collect fewer benefits. Which implies that lower-income blue-collar workers will be taxed to support middle class white-collar workers.


On top of that, Social Security transfers money to the relatively well off (retired people with assets) at the expense of people who are less well off (young workers with few assets). In so doing, it discourages savings and investment by young people, setting the stage for an even more pressing retirement crisis in the years ahead.


Because Social Security is structured as a pay-as-you-go system where beneficiaries have no legal claim on their promised benefits, the system will never be on a sound financial footing. Politicians will always respond to political rather than economic incentives, and will resist anything remotely close to true reform. Champions of paternalistic command-and-control (Obama, Clinton, Sanders, Trump and Warren among others) will resist change that transfers power from the mighty Administrative State (and themselves) to individuals.


The only way to truly reform the system is to establish the legal right of beneficiaries to control the funds that have been taxed from them for the express purpose of financing retirement. The effect would be to free up massive amounts of money for productive investment by putting those funds back into private hands where they belong. And it would force transparency on a source of public finance that is no more than a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Maddoff blush.


Libertarian think tanks like CATO have been making the reform case for years. They should be heeded before it’s too late.



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Donald Trump: Legal Philosopher

Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, appears to be trying to make the best of a bad situation. The Washington Post reports that he says he is supporting Trump because “…[He] doesn’t want four more years just like the last eight”. In another interview published by The Hill, he says that Trump will not fundamentally change the Republican Party. He says that the Republican Party “…is America’s right-of-center party. If he brings in new followers, that’s great, and well worth the effort, but he will not change the Republican Party”. He says that it is much more likely that the Republican Party will change Trump than vice versa.

We shall see about that.

Meanwhile in an interview with NPR McConnell says that people voting for Trump should take comfort in his list of “right-of-center, well qualified” potential nominees to the Supreme Court, although in a separate interview McConnell that he would like “to see a more thoughtful Trump”.

Well it would be hard to get a less thoughtful Trump, but it’s still wishful thinking. Consider that not too long after he released his list of potential Supreme Court nominees—a bad idea all by itself—Trump went on to attack a sitting judge. And Trump was not using the judge to make some abstract point about judicial philosophy. He launched a personal attack against a judge who is currently presiding over a case in which Trump is a defendant.

Among Trump’s more subtle complaints is that the Judge, appointed by President Obama, is hostile and biased, and has treated Trump unfairly because the judge is “a Trump hater”. Trump’s evidence of bias: The judge has ruled against him. And to cap it off, Trump attacked the judge over his ethnicity. Said Trump (sic) “The judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great, I think that’s fine,” Trump said according to the LA Times. “You know what? I think the Mexicans are going to end up loving Donald Trump when I give all these jobs, OK?”

By the way, the judge, who is of Mexican extraction, was born in Indiana.

Trump supporters like to think that their guy “Tells it like it is”. Leaving that absurdity aside, they should ponder this: If any one else personally, publicly and repeatedly attacked a sitting judge before whom they had a case, they would likely find themselves held in contempt, which is where Trump deserves to be held by all.


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Hillary’s Tangled Web

Is there anyone this side of sanity who truly, seriously believes a word that escapes from Hillary Clinton’s lips? Of course not. And that is a very big problem. The reason is that Mrs. Clinton’s lies have a special character that reach well beyond the usual “all politicians lie” sort of thing. Those politicians essentially try to hoodwink the public about what they are going to do.

Mrs. Clinton’s lies go well beyond that, which is not to deny that she too routinely makes promises that she has no intention of keeping. Mrs. Clinton lies about what she has already done and invites the public to pretend to believe her. That is what is so special about Mrs. Clinton’s lies. Their principal purpose is not really to deceive so much as it is designed to invite the public in on the game by making the lies acceptable. In so doing she further degrades both popular culture and political discourse from the already parlous state they are in.

A case in point is the ongoing e-mail saga. Virtually everything Mrs. Clinton has said about what she did (and why) is demonstrably untrue. For example she still insists on calling the FBI investigation a “security review” despite the fact that the FBI doesn’t do “security reviews”. They do criminal investigations.

When the e-mail story first broke she insisted that she never sent nor received classified information. When turned out to be untrue, the story quickly morphed into the idea that she didn’t send or receive emails that were “marked classified at the time”. When that was exposed as being untrue, she argued that the documents were needlessly “over classified”. When it turned out that some of the documents were correctly classified at the highest level, she then insisted that she didn’t intend to send or receive classified material.

All the while she insisted that she would cooperate with the investigation. As recently as May 9, 2016 on “Face the Nation” Clinton referenced the e-mail situation when she said “…I made it clear I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime. And I have encouraged all of my assistants to be very forthcoming and I hope this is close to being wrapped up”.

Well, not so fast. As it turns out, Mrs. Clinton refused to speak to investigators from the State Department’s Investigator General. For that matter so did at least 3 of her top aides, namely Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan and Huma Abedin. In effect they asserted their 5th amendment rights.

As the video below shows, in an interview, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer pressed Clinton Spokesman Brian Fallon on Clinton’s refusal to testify saying that “it really looks as if she has something to hide.” Which of course she does. And everyone knows it. Everyone. But no one who is anyone in Democratic politics will say a word about it, other than to say that it’s all a partisan witch hunt, despite the fact that President Obama appointed the Inspector General.

And so we have a conspiracy of silence from Progressives and Party officials who hope to make this a non-issue by throwing ink in the water with claims of bias and partisanship, all designed to allow people to fool themselves into believing, or excuse themselves for pretending to believe, the pack of lies that is the Clinton campaign

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