Clashing Philosophies

Around 30 years ago William F Buckley and his friend Professor Milton Friedman debated Buckley’s proposal that some kind of National Service be required of young people. Buckley, who along with Dr. Friedman famously championed the free market, insisted that the National Service be voluntary and non-military. On the other hand, Friedman maintained that the proposed National Service would not really be voluntary; that it would be captured by political interests as is typical of government programs and that it would fail to meet its objectives, also typical of government programs. 

Micheal Kinsley, then editor of the New Republic, served as the debate moderator. The half hour debate, which is well worth watching, can be seen by clicking on the Buckley Friedman Debate link below. 

The Video Can be seen on You Tube at the link below:

Buckley Friedman Debate


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