Category Archives: Politics

Presidential Immunity? No Thanks.

Q: Where in the Constitution is any form of immunity specified.    A: Nowhere So how is it that the Supreme Court is embroiled in a case in which apparently serious people argue that former President Trump is immunized against … Continue reading

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Trump Strikes Again

We are back from Bordeaux and guess who is in the news? Bad ideas never die. They just bide their time.  The latest version of this truism is brought to us, naturally enough, by a Presidential contender. This time around … Continue reading

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Houston–We Have a Problem

Presidential campaigns are rarely about what the job of being president actually entails. The campaign itself is mostly a contest between the two major parties and the respective incentives they face. Note that this process is only remotely connected to … Continue reading

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It isn’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

After winning New Hampshire’s Republican primary, Donald Trump put on a characteristic display of magnanimity. He referred to Nikki Haley as “Birdbrain”. He proceeded to follow up by announcing on the comically misnamed “Truth Social” that any future contributors to … Continue reading

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The Rematch

With their respective primary victories in New Hampshire last night, ex President Donald J Trump and current President Joe Biden set the stage for a rematch of their desultory 2020 election contest. Consequently the 2024 campaign will pit two of … Continue reading

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The March for Life

Mostly they were young women. And they came by the thousands despite the cold and  wind and snow. At first it seemed like a trickle, but within an hour the trickle turned into a torrent. The Federal Triangle and Smithsonian … Continue reading

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Trump Wins Big in Iowa

There is just no sugarcoating it. By garnering 51% of the vote, Trump won in a romp. Not only did he win, the vote totals of the two runners-up (Ron DeSantis 21% and Nikki Haley 19%), were close enough to … Continue reading

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Useful Idiots

Ours is an age that places a great deal of emphasis on authenticity. Coupled with the inherent relativism of popular phrases like “my truth”  and “lived experience” it is meant to obliterate the idea that there is an objective reality. … Continue reading

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The War on the West

It seems that a lot of people view the recent explosion of antisemitic activity on the campuses of elite universities and western cities as a sort of anomaly. After all, haven’t Jews been a reliable partner in many causes dear … Continue reading

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The Argentinian Election

The New York Times today published a fairly typical hit piece. Typical in that it does most of its work by innuendo and guilt-by-association. The object of the piece is Javier Milei, the victor in Argentina’s presidential race.  The Times … Continue reading

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