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- A Kinder, Gentler Eliminationism February 19, 2025Peter Beinart has responded to the 7 October massacre and subsequent Gaza war with a deeply duplicitous book.Susie Linfield
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The Myth of “Learning How to Think”
An enduring myth has taken hold among a lot of people who are concerned about the state of higher education. The myth is that universities are failing when it comes to the prime directive of teaching their students how to think. Actually the phrase “teaching students how to think” should be surrounded by quotation marks.
That is because the idea that teaching students how to think is not only fundamentally flawed, but as a practical matter it is also impossible. After all the students have already spent a good deal of time in their grammar and high schools being brainwashed. In some of the more progressive jurisdictions, high school students are allowed, if not encouraged to leave classes to attend the “right” demonstrations.
Just think about the latest outbreak of foolishness on the campuses of the nation’s elite colleges and universities. Many, if not most of their students are filled with what they consider to be righteous outrage at the behavior of both Israel and the US in the war between Hamas and Gaza.
While the students chant “…from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free…” try asking one of the protesters which river? which sea? and you are likely to get a blank stare in response. Surely that is at least partly due to ignorance of history. But there is much more to it than that.
If it were just about learning how to think, the students would at least know how to marshal elementary facts and make a coherent argument. But there is precious little evidence of that. Instead, the students simply recite ready-made bumper sticker slogans. Which is pretty much how they acted during the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests. So these and myriad other examples demonstrate that the universities fail the “learning how to think” bit when put to the test.
But it goes much deeper than that, and for several reasons. Among them is that the prime focus of the university is not to teach students how to think; instead the focus of the university should be to facilitate the intergenerational transmission of knowledge. That idea, commonly accepted until relatively recently, is, however, subversive of progressivism. For one thing, it implies that there is such a thing as truth, and that it is worth pursuing for its own sake. And, not to put too fine a point on it, the whole idea of truth is decidedly not “my truth”, but truth in some objective sense. Else, what is the point?
In turn that implies that universities should foster respect and gratitude for Western Civilization, and for the institutions of Western Liberalism on which it depends. Those institutions were founded on both Tradition and Reason. Among other things, the sine qua non of Western Liberalism is individual freedom. That freedom is granted through natural law and is inherent in each individual. Further, that individual freedom, discovered by the use of Reason, is protected by the rule of law, an independent judiciary, the maintenance of property rights and by limiting the size and scope of government power.
Limiting government power includes process rights guaranteed by positive law, for instance the right to a jury trial. It also includes fundamental natural rights that preclude certain government behaviors, especially with respect to freedom of speech and religion—e.g.—“Congress shall pass no law…”
That brings up the other reason why the learning to think bit is a fraud. It presupposes a standard to measure against. But that idea is at war with the modern secular religion known as progressivism, to which most universities and virtually all the elite ones, subscribe. Modern progressivism assumes that all knowledge is relative (my truth); that knowledge is divorced from nature (sex is not a biological reality) and that the Liberal institutions of Western Civilization including educational institutions are actually a means for enforcing white supremacy (for instance consider the move to “de-colonize” algebra or to halt “cultural appropriation”).
In a nutshell, the progressive notion that the university’s mission is, or ought to be, to teach students how to think is quite simply, a fraud. Modern progressive universities actually strive to teach students what they should think not how to think. Modern universities have become fad factories, fashion shows. How could it be otherwise?
If all knowledge is relative and an author’s work can be deconstructed to mean whatever the student wants it to mean, why bother reading the Great Books of the Western Canon at all? For that matter why should any particular book be “privileged” as one of the Great Books? And let’s face it, freshman at our elite universities, like freshman everywhere, are on average maybe 18 or 19 years old, which means they are children. Nevertheless they are designing their own curricula. Even if they aren’t old enough to legally buy a pack of cigarettes.
Further, magical thinking dominates the thinking of the modern progressive university. What I want to be true is true. All that is necessary for this sleight of hand to work is to misuse language. What else explains the routine use of terms like “pregnant people” or “chest feeding”. Or of specifying pronouns? Why else do university administrators work so hard to silence the voices of heterodoxy—those voices that are on the “wrong side” of history?
So it ought to be clear that the mission of the great American research universities is not to teach students how to think. Or to prepare them for a good job. For that, they can go to trade school or a get a professional degree. Law school, medical school, an accounting or architectural degree or an MBA would do just fine here.
The mission of research universities should be the discovery of and intergenerational transmission of knowledge. And that includes understanding the importance of Western Civilization and the immense benefits it has bestowed on mankind.
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Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up?
It has been over a month since Vice-President Kamala Harris became the presumptive and then the actual Democratic nominee for President. During all that time she has not had a single press conference or sit-down interview with a bona fide journalist. Just recently, her campaign announced that she has (finally) scheduled an interview for Harris and her running mate Tim Walz, with CNN. The interview will be aired this Thursday evening. The questioner will be the network’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash.
Herewith are some questions Ms Bash could profitably ask the Vice-President and her running mate.
- Up until the moment that President Joe Biden was effectively forced off the ticket, you defended him against the charge that his mental acuity was rapidly declining. Do you now regret doing so? If not, why not? Do you maintain that Mr Biden still has what it takes to do the job for another 4 years? If he is incapacitated, should Mr Biden resign now?
- Your running mate Governor Walz has said just recently that the First amendment does not protect either “hate speech” or “misinformation”. Do you agree with him? If you agree, what steps would you take to restrict speech with which you disagree? If you restrict speech, how would you respond to the legal challenges that are sure to come?
- Before you dropped out of the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination you said you wanted to ban fracking. Recently a campaign spokesman said you were no longer in favor of such a ban. Which is it? Are you in favor of a ban or not? If you are no longer in favor of a ban, what prompted you to change your mind?
- Just recently, in the face of near universal disparagement by economists across the ideological spectrum, you suggested that your administration would impose price controls on groceries if prices were deemed “excessive”. What makes you think that a government agency is capable of determining the “correct” price for groceries, or anything else for that matter? How would you avoid creating shortages of basic commodities? Can you name a single country in the world where price controls have actually worked? What makes you think that they would work this time, after such a record of failure?
- Turning to foreign policy: it is now reliably reported that Al Qaede, the terrorist organization, is operating in Afghanistan. In light of that, would you still call the Biden administration’s decision to abandon our military presence there a success? The Taliban has imposed strict Sharia law in Afghanistan. It is the only country in the world where girls are forbidden to attend school after the primary grades. The U.S. is the largest donor of aid to Afghanistan, with the UN shipping about $2.6 billion from the US since the collapse of the government after the US withdrawal. Would a Harris Administration continue with this funding? If so, why?
- It has been about 2.5 years since Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine. The US has resisted the Russian invasion by being the largest supplier of armaments to Kiev. But the US has never explained its strategy or its goals to the American people. Since you are Vice President my question is: Why not? What goal would the Harris Administration seek and what strategy would the Harris Administration implement to achieve the goal? How would the Harris Administration define success in achieving the goal?
- Turning to the Middle East: On October 7, Hamas launched a savage surprise attack on Israel. According to polling, something like 70% of Gazan residents are sympathetic with Hamas. Would you continue the Biden Administration’s policies with respect to Israel and Gaza? If not how would a Harris Administration differ from the Biden Administration?
- Turning toward Asia: China has become increasingly aggressive in the South China Sea and beyond, going so far as to have the Chinese military violate Japanese air space with fighter jets; China has also attacked Philippine fishing vessels with water canons. China, along with North Korea and Iran have continued to supply Russia with war materiel, in support of Russia’s war against Ukraine. What defense policy approach would a Harris Administration adopt vis-a-vis China? Would it be materially different from the Biden Administration’s approach?
- Iran, Russia, North Korea and China all appear to be cooperating to act against Western interests. Are they? If so what, if anything, does a Harris Administration intend to do about it? In 2020 then Senator Harris said “I unequivocally agree with the goal of reducing the defense budget and redirecting funding to communities in need.” In light of all the threats the US and its western allies face, do you still want to reduce the defense budget?
- (10)Depending on how you measure it, the US has accumulated about $35 trillion in debt obligations through bond sales, or about 100% of GDP. The largest drivers of the debt are Social Security and Medicare. Left alone the Social Security Trust fund will run out in the mid 2030s necessitating a drastic reduction in benefits. How would a Harris Administration address this problem?
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A Campaign About Nothing
Now that the Republican Convention has concluded and we are two days into the Democratic Convention, absent any surprises, we can safely say that we have a presidential campaign about nothing. For instance, can any one honestly say that we learned anything at all about Donald Trump that we didn’t already know? Of course not. He remains an egotistical maniac who wouldn’t know the truth if he tripped over it. The man is 78 years old. If he hasn’t grown up by now (and he hasn’t) he never will.
Then there is Kamala Harris, who is running hard to be Homecoming Queen. Ms Harris is the Democratic nominee by virtue of the fact that party elites chose to defenestrate Joe Biden after his catastrophic debate with Donald Trump. Which had nothing to do with Trump’s performance, which was miserable as usual. No, it was that Joe Biden’s infirmity had become just too obvious for the lie to hold that he was up to the job and “sharp as a tack”. In the event his poll numbers began to crater. So by default, party elites selected Ms Harris as the least bad choice to replace Mr Biden as the party’s standard bearer.
Post switcheroo, Kamala Harris got a make-over. Up until the point where she became the presumptive nominee, Harris was generally regarded as a political liability. Democrats, for example, gamely denied Nikki Haley’s charge that a vote for Biden was actually a vote for Harris. But that was then. Overnight however, with the mainstream press acting as cheerleader, Harris became all-wise and knowing.
Part of her make-over had to be spent alleviating the hurt feelings of Jill (that’s Dr Jill) Biden and Joe Biden. And so we were treated to the spectacle of the delegates acting like kindergarteners as they gratefully handed their milk money to the teacher and were rewarded with gold stars for their obedience. In one of the more cringeworthy episodes we got to see the convention delegates chanting “We Love You Joe” complete with signs, in an attempt to pretend that this was not what it most certainly was: a thinly disguised palace coup.
For her part, the teleprompter speeches Kamala Harris read served to display that, like most politicians, especially populist ones, her panoptic ignorance extends to even the most basic economics. She accomplished this by announcing that she would institute price controls on food, further subsidize home ownership and create a $6,000 “refundable” tax credit for newborns.
Not to be outdone, she has also proposed “forgiving” medical debt for millions of people to the tune of around $200 billion. But those debts are not forgiven at all. The debts don’t disappear. They are simply transferred from the borrower to the taxpayer.
Actually the economic proposals that Harris propounded tell us a good deal about the way she thinks. It can be summed up as Tax and Spend; Command and Control. Any semblance of freedom and choice goes right out the window. Unless of course, you want to get an abortion which the government will be pleased to pay for.
There is irony to be found in the behavior of the ignorati in the bleachers chanting “We Love You Joe” and “Thanks for What You Did for Us”. Joe and Kamala, two peas in a pod, have been busy purchasing the delegates’ votes with the delegates’ own money, an irony that appears to be completely beyond their comprehension. Likewise with Trump’s tariffs (largely maintained by Biden) and the race to have the most “generous” policy with respect to taxes on tipping.
This after the Biden Administration asked for and received an extra $80 billion to seek out under reported income. One regulatory proposal was advanced specifically for tipped income. See here.
And on it goes. There is no serious discussion of policy, and the Harris campaign apparently means to keep it that way. They seem to be calculating that their advantage lies in discussing policy as little as possible so as to concentrate their firepower on Trump’s personality. With Trump’s need to be the center of attention, it just may work.
Running on Empty
Well, well. The Harris campaign, all aglow in the rapture the press has bestowed on it, has apparently decided that saving democracy isn’t such a great theme after all. And to be fair, it’s more than a little awkward to go on and on about the wonders of democracy just after completing the hard work of deposing the President without having won a single convention delegate.
Be that as it may, the campaign has recently begun test marketing a new theme, namely Freedom. That development would be extremely encouraging if, and here is the big if, IF the campaign (and presumably the candidates) had the slightest idea of what they were talking about. But they don’t. Not by a long shot.
In fact the Harris definition of Freedom, actually mangles the meaning of the word. In the Harris definition Freedom refers to rights granted by government, not inherent rights possessed by individuals. By implication, Government may rescind those rights in order to coerce individuals to behave in ways the government approves. Freedom in this context is not freedom from, it is freedom to.
Anyone who doubts this should listen to Harris’s VP candidate, Tim Walz, expound on his understanding (or misunderstanding) of the First amendment. Just yesterday Walz announced that “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy”.
Well actually the Constitution does protect hate speech, misinformation (real or imagined) and other stuff Walz doesn’t like very much. And anybody running for President or Vice-President ought to know it.
The text of the First amendment says that “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…” That is, or ought to be, fairly clear to anybody who has mastered reading at the 7th grade level. (Walz, the history teacher really ought to look it up).
It doesn’t stop there though. In 2020 as governor of Minnesota, Walz set up a Covid-19 hotline for Minnesota residents to use to inform the authorities of their suspicions that their neighbors might be violating lockdown measures. Sounds like the kind of Freedom that the East German Stasi specialized in.
Wait—there’s more. Walz and Harris argue that they want everyone to be free to join a union. Except that everyone already is free to do just that. What they really advocate is that unions (who contribute to them) should be free to coerce non-union members into joining a union, or be coerced into paying union dues.
But here Harris & Walz are again in the wrong side of the First amendment. They are either ignorant of, or have chosen to ignore Supreme Court rulings. In a 2018 landmark case–Janus v. AFSCME–the Supreme Court ruled that union fees charged to non-members in the public sector violate First amendment speech rights. That seems not to bother the Harris team in the slightest.
Similarly, Harris et. al. argue for “freedom to be safe from gun violence.” This of course, is simply a lightly disguised plea for gun control. Why not a call for freedom from knife violence? Or bank robbery, which, when I last checked, was not guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, unlike the right to bear arms, which is. And why not a call for the aggressive prosecution of violators of gun laws? Hmm. Enforcing existing laws might prove to be a tad inconvenient.
Or how about the freedom to read the books you want to read. Well of course you actually have that right and it is well protected by that First amendment the Harris team likes to ignore. You can buy any book you want at Amazon. And the courts (the ones Harris wants to “reform”) will protect that right. What Harris et. al. really mean is that librarians (and teachers unions) should be able to stock public school libraries with the books they please without regard to parental oversight. You know those pesky voters, speaking of Democracy.
In a similar vein, Walz as governor, signed a bill in 2023 making Minnesota a sanctuary state for child sex-changes. According to National Review online, the law grants legal protection to children who travel to Minnesota for “gender-affirming care” that “includes puberty blockers, reconstructive genital surgery and hormone therapy.” Among other tings, the law prohibits Minnesota officials from complying with subpoenas, extraditions or arrests related to sex-change procedures received in Minnesota, even if they are crimes in another states.
Let’s put this in perspective. In Minnesota it is illegal to sell or furnish tobacco and tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21. There’s Freedom for you.
I could go on, but you get the point. When Harris and Walz talk about Freedom, they are not talking about Freedom at all. It is code for establishing more governmental coercion. And unfortunately, probably because of unrelenting attacks by political extremists on both sides of the aisle, they have the wind at their backs.
A recent survey by the Foundation for Individual Rights (FIRE) published by Reason, a libertarian magazine, found that more than half of Americans think that the First Amendment provides too many rights. That is worth thinking about before pulling the lever for either of the clowns, and I use the term advisedly, who are the major party candidates for President.
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Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game?
Casey Stengel asked the famous question in frustration when talking to the 1962 Mets after they racked up a record breaking 162 losses in their inaugural season.
The same question might be asked of both the Trump and Harris campaigns. Both look like they are doing their level best to lose the upcoming face-off this November. Unfortunately, only one of them can lose. And that is very, very unfortunate.
When Donald J Trump selected J.D. Vance to be his running mate it was apparent to roughly everybody that there was a very good chance that President Joe Biden was going to be forced out of the race. However, the Trump campaign simply assumed that (1) Biden would be the opponent, and that (2) Trump would easily win, perhaps in a landslide.
As a result, Trump’s VP selection was drenched in hubris. He made no effort to broaden the pool of potential voters he could appeal to. Nor did the campaign do any serious research into potentially damaging revelations about Vance, or come up with responses to those revelations. Not surprisingly, the roll-out did not go well.
And then after successfully pushing Biden out the door, along comes Kamala Harris to the rescue. Except that in the VP selection process, she, like Trump, decided to double down, this time, ideologically. She eventually settled on Tim Walz, currently the governor of deep blue Minnesota, who distinguished himself by fiddling in 2020 while Minneapolis burned. In so doing, she selected as her running mate a hard-left progressive like herself.
Harris did not attempt to broaden her appeal by selecting Josh Shapiro, an outspoken defender of Israel and a relatively moderate Democratic governor of a must-win swing state. Instead Harris apparently decided to placate the progressive wing of her party which had lobbied furiously against Shapiro.
This even as “Squad” member Cori Bush (D-Mo) was in the process of suffering the same ignominious fate as fellow Squad member Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who was similarly ousted in his primary. The defeats of these two has been largely (and probably correctly) attributed to their outspoken sympathy for Hamas.
Which also raises the question of how a Harris Administration would treat foreign policy, specifically with respect to Iran / Gaza and Israel; Ukraine and Russia, and potentially China and Taiwan. It just won’t do to simply assert that Trump is clueless. Of course he is. But that doesn’t grant the opposition a get-out-of-jail-free card. We should hear what the candidate has to say. Something other than I’m not the other guy.
But there is a problem here. Actually two problems. The first is that Harris was part and parcel of the cover-up of Biden’s mental deterioration. Right up until the infamous debate Harris was still insisting, as she had previously on many occasions, that Biden was sharp as a tack. Since she is such an obvious liar, the question is: why would anybody believe a word she says?
There is second problem that is not unrelated to the first. While she is busy jettisoning her past positions at the speed of light, she apparently thinks people will take her seriously. For instance, all of a sudden she is “tough on the border”. That Green New Deal she signed on to, well that was then. And that bit about defunding the police? She doesn’t buy into that anymore.
Harris once wanted to ban fracking. And she wanted to ban offshore drilling on federal lands. Before she was against it she was in favor of Medicare for All, not to mention that she once wanted to eliminate private health care insurance. And she wanted to start a program of “mandatory buy backs” of “assault weapons”.
In short, she endorsed the whole laundry list of progressive goals. And now she is trying to walk away from them. In that effort she is getting an assist from the clerks in the press who call them selves journalists. But she chose a running mate that, from a policy standpoint, is even more extreme than she is.
Not only is he on board with all her past positions, when he was Governor of Minnesota he issued executive orders giving minors access to irreversible chemical and surgical treatments for gender dysphoria. Under his tenure Minnesota had some of the most draconian Covid-era restrictions, which unsurprisingly had little or no positive effects. His administration also attempted to ration social benefits by race. And let’s not forget the mayhem in Minnesota on Walz’s watch that overwhelmed law enforcement during the “mostly peaceful” protests that occurred in the wake of the George Floyd murder.
The net of all this is that the two main contenders are acting like amateurs who don’t know the rules of the game. In his VP selection, Trump has doubled down on abrasiveness. But not on policy; it isn’t clear he even has what could be reasonably described as a coherent policy outlook.
Harris, on the other hand, has not had a single press conference since Biden dropped out. Thus far she has been busy trying to disguise her extreme ideology by running a Biden style basement campaign. But her choice of Tim Walz as VP nominee gives the game away. She has assembled a team of hard core lefty extremists. And she can not be trusted.
A pox on both their houses.
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Let Trump Be Trump? No Thanks.
Well, it didn’t take long. When the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) handed Trump an opportunity to make an ass of himself, Trump eagerly seized it. He did so by jumping into the deep end of the racial identity pool. His sin was to question the identity of Kamala Harris as “black” rather than Indian.
As if the respective characterizations are (1) important and (2) mutually exclusive. Why skin tone should be important to anyone with an IQ above room temperature is something of a mystery. And as a simple empirical matter, as intermarriage continues to gain ground, lots of Americans have a multi-racial, multi-ethnic background.
None of which should be taken as an excuse for Trump’s real sin, which was, and is, political amateurism. He should have known better than to dive into this trap. In effect he validated the race, class, gender ideology of his opposition.
Similarly, his pick of J.D. Vance, lately of cat-lady fame, to be his running mate demonstrated a foolhardy over-confidence. Not only that, it also provided evidence that the Trump campaign is undeniably amateurish. How else to explain why the campaign could not, or did not, foresee the possibility if not probability that President Joe Biden would be forced out of the race, thus refocusing the campaign. How is it that the campaign did not adequately vet Vance so that they at least had prepared responses to his many controversial remarks?
The best explanation for the unforced errors thus far is that Trump is being…well, Trump. Which is probably the best way to remind voters exactly what they don’t like about Trump. Which is an awful lot. And that leaves out his disgraceful behavior on January 6, 2021 which alone is, or ought to be, disqualifying.
It is also important to recognize the reason that Trump has the Republican nomination. Sure, he was given a big assist by the Democrats’ lawfare campaign, which may turn out to be one of the biggest backfires in the history of American politics. Beyond that though, it has to be acknowledged that Trump secured the nomination by getting far more votes than any of his challengers in the Republican primaries.
Those voters include a lot of people who either believe, or profess to believe, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. It also includes a whole lot of elected Republican officials who pretend to believe that the election was stolen, some of whom actively encouraged the mob on January 6. Which is another way of saying that this is not your father’s Republican Party.
In some sense then, the nomination of Trump is the exact opposite of the Democrats’ claim that Trump is a threat to democracy. What you see is what you get. And what you see is not another Hitler, despite the fervent beliefs of the Democratic party faithful. On the contrary what Trump represents is transactional politics at its worst. Trump’s core belief is not ideological; rather it is that he should be in charge, details to follow.
What we have in HRH Donald Trump is a 78 year old man with the intellectual and emotional maturity of a 15 year old; a needy adolescent who loves being at the center of attention. Which is exactly where Harris and Co. would like to place him.
So can we use game theory to predict the behavior of voters? Possibly, yes. Let’s make some assumptions about voter preferences and how voters rank order them. Assume the following preferences among the voters.
Trump Voter Pool
- Diehard Trump voters are centered on personality; they want Trump to be president come hell or high water. They do not care very much about policy details.
- Trump voters whose minds are made up feel culturally besieged; they are looking for a counter-cultural leader.
- Trump persuadable voters care somewhat about policy; specifically they care about a fluid border policy, they are bothered by inflation, the family budget and the general state of the economy.
- Possibly persuadable Trump voters are uncomfortable with the personality of Kamala Harris
Harris Voter Pool
(1b) Hard core Progressives and committed Democrats see Harris as ideologically compatible; they want her to be elected. Further, they are convinced that Donald Trump really does represent a threat to democracy.
(2b) People who consider themselves to be liberal and who are college educated; they believe that Harris represents their cultural values. They are squeamish about the Israeli — Hamas War.
(3c) Harris persuadable voters care somewhat about policy; those policies, however, differ somewhat from Trump voters. They are mostly in favor of abortion rights, are worried about climate change, and favor some expanded social programs.
(4d) Potential Harris voters are very uncomfortable with Trump’s personality. They tend to be blue collar, are probably not college degree holders. However they are relatively comfortable, live in suburbs, are probably female, are concerned about crime and public schools and are hesitant about getting stuck with the bill for progressive priorities.
Now lets put the respective priorities in a grid and see what it tells us. (See below).
HARRIS Voters | ||
TRUMP Voters | 1, 4 | 3, 2 |
2, 3 | 4, 1 | |
Trump voter priorities are rank ordered in the first column in the grid on the left; Harris voter priorities are rank ordered in the second column in the grid on the right. Assuming that the respective priorities are described correctly, it is immediately apparent that neither Trump voters nor Harris voters would be content with a victory by the other side. Each has victory as the #1 priority. Neither will gracefully acknowledge the other’s victory. Trump will insist the election was stolen. Harris will insist that she was done in by racism and mysogenism.
The remaining solutions remain cyclical, meaning either a 3,2 or 2, 3 solution, which suggests that the November results will not be ideologically dispositive. Each side, and especially the losing side, will look forward to the next contest. In turn this suggests that the election campaign will be contested almost exclusively with respect to personnel. And not in a good way.
Policy discussion will be next to non-existent because Trump side policies are inconsistent, entirely transactional and personality driven. On the other hand, the Harris side is largely driven by her personality in that she is the candidate solely because Biden was thrown overboard; her personality (and the Democratic Party) is integrally tied up with identitarian politics, and she will try to run away (perhaps successfully) from the very left-wing proposals she made during the 2020 Democratic primaries.
All in all a game theory model suggests what the polls suggest. Namely, the outcome of the contest is likely to be extremely close; it will satisfy almost no one except hard core supporters, there will be little serious policy discussion and the political system will remain unstable.
That said all is not bleak. There is plenty of policy ferment where people live: at the state and local level. That is cause for hope that the nonsense coming out of the national parties will burn out and we can return to normalcy. One of these days, anyway.
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A Palace Coup?
Democratic Party grandees are very close to achieving their goal of securing their party’s presidential nomination for somebody, anybody, not named Joe Biden. These saviors of democracy mean to do so by convincing incumbent President Biden to hit the eject button on his chair behind the resolute desk in the oval office.
In the event they accomplish their goal—and they are very close—they will have successfully overridden the votes of about 14 million Democratic primary voters. These are the voters who awarded about 99% of the delegates to the national convention pledged to Mr Biden. All to save democracy, of course.
Mr Biden can release his delegates to vote for someone else, which is the preferred poo-bah mechanism for a replacement nominee. The proximate cause for the panicky collapse of support for the incumbent is two fold. The first is polling data that shows the near impossibility of a Biden victory, especially in swing states. The second is action taken by major donors to withhold funds if Mr Biden remains at the top of the ticket. (Note that said money is routinely referred to as “dark money” when it goes to anybody else.)
This was all presaged by Mr Biden’s catastrophic debate performance on June 27. Add to that the attempted assassination of rival Donald J Trump by an apparently unhinged 20 year-old and all the elements pointing to an incumbent defeat are there.
It is important to note that the reason for Mr Biden’s (to put it charitably) unedifying debate performance was the obvious deterioration of his mental acuity. That deterioration left him unable either to maintain a train of thought or to complete sentences. Those factors however, did not seem to be a primary motivator in the drive to dump Mr Biden. Neither did Mr Biden’s apparent inability to function at anything approaching normalcy.
So what did cause the revolt of Democratic Party elites?
First and foremost, they got caught. Remember that, aided by the mainstream press, Democratic elites spent the better part of 4 years claiming that Mr Biden was as “sharp as a tack”. By the time the debate rolled around it was apparent to even the most obtuse observers that Mr Biden was mentally struggling. And now it is clear as a bell that the coterie of Biden sycophants that assured one and all that Biden was just fine has been lying the whole time. Either that or they were incapable of seeing what was right in front of their eyes.
The obvious question now is: Why would anybody believe a word they say?
Beyond that there is what should be the most pressing issue. Namely, the President is, first and foremost, the Commander-in-Chief. And he alone has his finger on the nuclear trigger. Going by their public statements, that does not seem to have been a concern of Democratic Party elites.
In fairness, it is always possible that the party actually has considered this, but did not want to say out loud what everyone was thinking. But if that is the case, they should have at least attempted to remove Biden via the 25th amendment. At the very least they should not be deliberating whether or not to keep him on the ballot. Instead they should let him know in no uncertain terms that they will publicly oppose him and his attempt to be re-elected.
Let’s put it this way. Who among us wants to risk Biden being awakened at 3:00 AM because China has invaded Taiwan and he has to make a split second decision on how to respond. The question answers itself.
So what to make of it?
The temptation is to think that the Democrats made their bed, let them sleep in it. The problem is, we are all in the same bed with them, like it or not.
Consequently, we are now in a position where the leaders of the Democratic Party, those defenders of democracy, are either going to stage a palace coup in relatively short order, or they are going to acquiesce to running a man to be Commander-in-Chief despite the fact that his mental deficiencies are clearly disqualifying.
Ordinarily the problem could be isolated. The political party that acted as irresponsibly as the Democrats could be simply cashiered at the next election. But there are still 3 ½ months until the election is held, and 6 months until a new President is sworn in.
There is only one solution for the mess we are in, and it is decidedly sub-optimal. Democrats should force the issue so that Mr Biden resigns and Vice President Kamala Harris takes the oath of office.
But we still have the issue of the November election. Ms Harris is manifestly unqualified for the job. But so is Mr Trump. Perhaps, in the meantime, the Democrats will find and nominate someone who is competent and electable. They will have to look awfully hard.
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Assassination Attempt
In the wake of an assassination attempt on the life of ex-President and presumptive Republican nominee Donald J Trump, a virtual army of conspiracy theorists, armchair psychologists and amateur law enforcement wannabes are having a collective field day. Their chosen place of battle, needless to say, is X, formerly known as Twitter.
Perhaps it is time to take a deep breath and lay off; at least until actual facts come to light and in their proper context. That is very unlikely to happen because, among other things, the population at large distrusts the mainstream media and other assorted institutions. And truth be told, that distrust is well earned.
Leaving aside the devout beliefs of the simpletons among us, there is not just one single reason for the degrading of trust in our institutions. Certainly the overheated rhetoric of politicians is one factor. Another is the change in incentives faced by media and other public players. When newspapers and broadcasters depended on broad-based advertising for revenue their incentives favored an appeal to a broad based audience. Now, however, narrowcasting changes that incentive structure. The same players now have an incentive to appeal to those who are highly motivated; they are often fringe players.
Let’s not leave out politicians. That politicians routinely lie, and have lied for a very long time, is hardly a news flash. Recall it was Lyndon Johnson who in 1964 proclaimed “We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves” before doing precisely that.
But Johnson’s lie was an attempt to make a broad based appeal. Today’s lies are more specific and tailored to reach specific voting groups in a way that before would not have been possible. Only after a committed interest group has been assembled is an attempt made to mainstream the underlying goal.
It usually begins with a change in language designed to draw attention away from the underlying concept. The “Trans” movement is a case in point; so is the abortion rights movement—it has reframed the issue as reproductive freedom. Challenges—both real and imagined—are routinely marketed as existential threats. For example, think climate change, pandemics, population growth, asteroid collisions, environmental degradation etc. etc.
What is different from past eras is that we live in a DIY era in which people have been taught to disregard reason and instead follow their feelings. Unless, of course, their feelings contradict whatever the received wisdom of the day is, in which case they will be shamed into accepting “the science TM “.
Which, by the way, the public does not understand. They do not understand that science is about methodology and that scientific conclusions are contingent. The public however, aided and abetted by an unthinking media complex suffers from white coat naiveté. As long as somebody wears a white lab coat and proclaims himself a scientist, he must be the font of all that is true and good. At least as long as he speaks the conventional wisdom. But I digress.
We actually know very little about the apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump. It is certainly legitimate to ask questions. But we should not assume the answer. For instance, it is perfectly reasonable to ask the obvious question: how in the world was the alleged shooter able to get into position where he apparently had a clear shot? But it is not reasonable to assume the answer ahead of time.
In any event, let’s wait for the facts to trickle in and not jump to any conclusions. We will probably know soon enough what happened and why.
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Is Winning Really the Only Thing?
“…Of course, for a Democratic Party warning that Mr. Trump is an existential threat to the nation, the race is about something much simpler: winning.” Shane Goldmacher, The New York Times July 6, 2025.
“…the president’s prime-time interview with ABC News was an exercise in not just damage control but reality control”. Peter Baker, The New York Times July 6, 2025.
“You really see a president in denial and in a bubble,” Julián Castro, The New York Times July 6, 2025.
“[The interview] will not quell the growing anger and resentment among Democrats.”Paul Begala The New York Times July 6, 2025.
Perhaps at this point it would be fitting to quote football coach Vince Lombardi, who reportedly said “Wining isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”. That, in reality, is the sentiment that Democratic Party officials are expressing.
You can take all faux agonizing and focus group crafted statements of the past several years and chuck them in the bin. They are finally saying what they really mean: Winning is all that matters. In this they have conclusively demonstrated that they are pretty much the same as Donald J Trump. The heated denials that will surely follow that statement are a testament to its truth.
Consider what it means when politicians put a priority on winning at all costs. Truth telling necessarily becomes subordinate to winning. Arguably, truth is not even a consideration. For example, “I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it” was an absurdity marketed by Mr Trump.
When special counsel Robert Hur accurateley described Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” VP Kamala Harris charged out to say “So, the way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gratuitous…” Another obvious lie. Which also explains why AG Garland refused to release the interview tapes, duly and lawfully subpoenaed by Congress. Rule of Law and all that.
Another infamous quotation of Donald J Trump: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. …They’re sending people that have lots of problems, … They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Donald J Trump
How about this story in Politico: “More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
It turns out that that letter was arranged by now Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin. And it was released on the eve of the first Presidential debate in 2020. And it was clearly a lie.
Of course, let’s not forget Mr. Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election results on January 6, 2021. In the speech in which he whipped up the crowd he said “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Peacefully and patriotically. Sure.
Some were going to hang Mike Pence. Peacefully, of course.
And when a mob of progressives chased Senator Krysten Sinema into a ladies room and then stormed in after her because she didn’t support the latest progressive legislation, President Biden said it was “all part of the process”. Ditto for Senator Joe Manchin when a group of kayakers confronted him on his houseboat.
And Mr Biden has yet to be heard from on the subject of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh being stalked by an armed man outside his home. Perhaps being stalked by an armed potential aggressor is all part of the process.
The list of strategic lies told by both parties is endless. Supporting one side or the other (it doesn’t matter which) regardless of obvious transgressions is a perfect example of willful blindness. Citizens who rely on the rationale that the other guy is such a threat reward the practice.
Without a commitment to truth there is no accountability. And without accountability, democracy is nothing more than a cause for hollow laughter. Elections within certain limits specified by the U.S. Constitution, are supposed to facilitate a collective decision making process. Elections are not supposed to be about winning at all costs.
Try telling that to partisans who are perfectly willing to believe anything, however improbable, as long as it supports “the Cause”.
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