Tag Archives: President Biden

Now What?

The Great Democratic Freakout over President Biden’s debate performance is in full swing. The real question is why. What did party leaders expect? The obvious decline in Mr Biden’s cognitive abilities has been transparently evident for well over a year. … Continue reading

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“But Donald Trump…”

But Donald Trump… The instant progressive rejoinder to almost any criticism of Joe Biden’s shambolic presidency is “But Donald Trump…”. Which in turn is followed up by a litany of accusations about Mr. Trump’s conduct in office. Many of these … Continue reading

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Progressive Collapse

The chaos that is the defining feature of the Biden presidency is not the result of one man’s incompetence. Nor,  by itself, is it the consequence of his intellectual shallowness, advanced age, cognitive dissonance or general mediocrity, though all of … Continue reading

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The Jawbone of an Ass

[The White House] is considering whether to escalate an attack on parts of corporate America over rising consumer prices, according to an administration official and three people with knowledge of the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to … Continue reading

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Made in Washington DC: Inflation

An impressive list of problems has descended on the Biden presidency. Almost all of them have been brought about or exacerbated by—Joe Biden. Not only that, the Biden method for dealing with them is to (1) insist that the problem … Continue reading

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Janet Yellin Scores a D Minus

Ignorance and enthusiasm make a dangerous combination. It’s even worse when people who should know better nevertheless agree to make wildly implausible sales pitches designed to justify foolish policy proposals. In the end a once respectable reputation gets dented and … Continue reading

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The Debt Ceiling, Again…

Of course Congress should raise the debt ceiling and avoid a default. And of course throughout history the parties have been absolutely hypocritical about when they will and when they will not vote to do so. The chief criteria are … Continue reading

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The State of Play

There are plenty of things to rue about the Biden Administration. There is, for instance, old fashioned incompetence, an equal opportunity employer.  But the Administration’s slipping-on-a-banana-peel habit has become so routine that even its most enthusiastic defenders (AKA the press) … Continue reading

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Progressive Good Crime

Coinciding with the Biden Administration’s push for higher taxes on wealthy individuals and a greatly expanded IRS, ProPublica published documents that purport to show private tax information of several high profile billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and … Continue reading

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Peak Biden?

When President Biden released his budget proposal this past Friday he listed his priorities in the following statement. (The budget document can be found here.) Biden’s list of priorities is typical in that it studiously avoids talking about trade-offs. Everything is … Continue reading

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