Author Archives: Joe Benning

Copy of Letter Sent to Reince Priebus

August 15, 2016 Mr. Reince Priebus Chairman Republican National Committee   Sir:   I have written this in response to your fund raising letter dated July 29, 2016. Please be aware that I changed my voter registration after Donald Trump … Continue reading

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The Bidding War Begins

We are now at that point in the Presidential race where the two major combatants begin to offer payoffs to interest groups in order to buy their votes come November. But instead of payoffs, the candidates refer to “investments”. This … Continue reading

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#Never Trump. Ever.

Donald Trump has now gone so far over the line that the excuse well has run dry. Here he is (below) suggesting that the only way to stop Hillary Clinton from nominating liberal Supreme Court Justices is to assassinate her. … Continue reading

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The Candidates are Starting to Talk Econ

We are rapidly approaching what is one of the most predictably awful exercises in a presidential campaign. The candidates are about to present their economic “plans”. We can expect the candidates to recite the usual pieties about tackling the deficit, … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Public Finance | 2 Comments

Truth, Justice and the Progressive Way

Hillary Clinton and the Case of Shahram Amiri According to the Daily Beast, Iran confirmed that it executed Shahram Amiri, an Iranian nuclear scientist who reportedly gave intelligence to the United States about Iran’s nuclear program. The AP reports that … Continue reading

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Trump on Nukes

The trickle of Republican defectors is about to turn into a torrent. Donald Trump, who was formerly described as merely being “inconsistent” is increasingly being described as erratic, unpredictable and unstable. That’s because he is. And his poll numbers are … Continue reading

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Hillary’s War on the Bill of Rights

To the surprise of exactly no one, Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech was mainly the same old plodding boilerplate that she has been droning on about for decades. But it’s worth going through, because underneath it all lies a collection of … Continue reading

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Donald Trump: Comedian

Donald Trump now says he was only joking when he invited Russian intelligence agencies to find and release Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 missing e-mails. Sure he was. Watch his delivery in the video below and see what a thigh slapper his … Continue reading

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Quick Hits July 25, 2016

More Hacks Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager Robby Mook charged that leaked DNC e-mails were leaked by Russian intelligence agencies for the purpose of helping Donald Trump. The Clinton campaign also argues, rather implausibly, that the candidate’s home brew server was … Continue reading

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Vote Your Conscience

“I am your voice,” bellowed Trump from the podium. “I alone can fix it. I will restore law and order”. The audience went wild, bursting into applause.   Hail Caesar! Hail Trump!   The day before Ted Cruz, calling on … Continue reading

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